And at the end, a board of directors is going to evaluate our work:
-It will be in Almuñecar, bwcause there are many tourism and attractios (roman constructions, spas, aquatropic...). This local will be situated next to the beach, and it will be rented by 1500€, and if it is beneficial, we can buy it for 800 000€.
-The decoration will be imposed by hard tock café. There will be an area that will be the dining room, and another that will be the bar; this decoration is going to be contemporanean, and there will be posters and cd's of the groups at the moment.
-Entretenment: There will be a pulltable, foosball... And each week there will be 3 tv's emiting deports and musical channels. There will also be magacines and wifi.
-Memorabilia: We have sent a letter to several groups asking for a souvenir of them, and they have sended us a t-shirt of ''La sudadera del manager'' !
-Music: They will act different groups each friday of each week, such as Supersubmarina, la sudadera del manager, Dani Martínez, Pablo alboran or many others.
-Menu: imposed by hard rock cafe, and you can see on the dosier all menu.
-Events: there will be differents events like raffle of cd's, t-shirts...